Coaching - space for change

KS Coaching
Space for change
Hi, I’m Kathleen Sullivan. I'm a coach and group facilitator with over twenty years’ experience training and coaching senior executives and their teams. I qualified as a professional coach and mentor with Coaching and Mentoring International in 2006, and have over 5000 hours of one-to-one work coaching senior professionals across a broad range of public and private sectors including law, education, academia, non-profit, finance and medicine.
I work one-to-one with clients to achieve greater satisfaction and fulfilment, whether in their career planning, their professional role or their personal life.
Alongside my coaching and group facilitation practice, I currently work with the following organisations:
Senior Coach within the Professional Support Unit at Health Education England (London & Kent, Surrey & Sussex)
Associate with Career Planning for Doctors and Dentists
Associate with Beyond Coaching (NHSE coaching programmes)
Academy for Healthcare Science - Course Facilitator: Practical Skills for Educators and Leaders
Associate with Chamberlain Dunn Learning
London Leadership Academy
Board member of the Association of Integrative Coach-Therapist Professionals
I have also co-designed and led training programmes for NHS consultants/educational supervisors in coaching approaches.
Qualification in virtual group faciliation with Nomadic IBM
I moved into coaching following a career in international development and medical careers. Professional and educational highlights include:
MA in Education and International Development: Health Promotion (UCL Institute of Education)
Senior lecturer for an MA in Managing Medical Careers (Brighton & Sussex Medical School)
Lecturer in MSc Social Interventions in Public Health
International Programme Manager (Department of Social Science and Medicine. Imperial College London)
International Project Manager for HealthProm, managing healthcare reform programmes with partner health authorities in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
I want to help you achieve your full potential – whether that be in your professional or personal life. We’re all different and so I offer a variety of styles of coaching.